Principal: Mr S. Ismail
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr S. Ismail
Chair of Governors: Mr D. Holmes
Business Manager: Mrs D. Metcalfe
SEND Lead: Miss L. Grindrod
Please use the contact details below to contact members of staff, including the Chair of Governors.
Mrs D. Metcalfe Tel: 0161 370 3614
Moorside Primary Academy
Market St
M43 7DA
If a parent / carer would like a paper copy of any of the information on our academy website, please request this at the main office.
We are incredibly proud to be part of the Enquire Learning Trust.
Contact details: postal address: The Enquire Learning Trust, 18 Appleton Court, Wakefield, WF2 7AR. Tel: 01924 792960. Email:– or you can visit the website here for more information.
Please note, for all FOI Requests across any of our Academies, and the Trust itself, please direct these to