Moorside Primary Academy Uniform Policy 2024/25
Our uniform is something we are very proud of. It gives the children a sense of identity and a feeling of belonging to the Moorside community. We have high expectations in all things, and our uniform is one of them. We expect that all of our pupils will wear our required school uniform when in school, as listed below:
Grey or black trousers or shorts
Logoed/plain white polo shirt
Logoed/plain Burgundy school sweater or fleece (Nursery - Year 4), or logoed/plain black school sweater or fleece (for Years 5 & 6)
Only black shoes or full black trainers (black laces and no stripes or other patterns e.g. Nike tick/Adidas stripe would need to be fully black)
Grey or black skirt, or grey pinafore, or black or grey trousers
Logoed/plain White polo shirt
Alternatively, red/burgundy gingham dress
Logoed/plain Burgundy school sweater, cardigan or fleece (Nursery - Year 4), or logoed/plain black school sweater, cardigan or fleece (for Years 5 & 6)
White or black socks
Only black shoes or full black trainers (black laces and no stripes or other patterns e.g. Nike tick/Adidas stripe would need to be fully black)
PE Kits
All children are expected to wear the appropriate kit for PE lessons. Children can wear their PE kit to school on their PE day. Each class will have 1 designated PE day (please speak to your child’s teacher).
PE (including swimming when appropriate) is a compulsory subject, and children are required to wear the correct kit. We have kept our PE kit as simple and cost-effective as possible.
Our PE Kit is:
A plain white T-shirt
Black shorts/black jogging bottoms/thick black leggings
School jumper/cardigan/fleece
Pumps or trainers - please note that gymnastics is usually done barefoot.
We ask that all PE kits be named using a permanent marker. Unmarked or lost items are placed on tables during whole school events and disposed of at the end of each half-term.
If your child has pierced ears, we ask that they be either removed for PE days or covered by a plaster. As children get older, they may well be able to take their earrings out at school and put them back in after the lesson.
The school have purchased several spare white t-shirts. Any child who comes into school without the correct PE kit will be given a spare white t-shirt to wear and a message/letter will be sent home to parents.
Uniforms can be purchased from Panache (Droylsden), Tesco online or MCS (Ashton-under-Lyne).
In addition to wearing school uniform, we also expect the following standards from our pupils in relation to their presentation and dress:
All uniform, and equipment, should be clearly marked or labelled with your child’s name;
Hair that is longer than shoulder length should be tied back with a plain coloured bobble or headband (no large bows, elaborate headbands, or fascinators, etc);
Short hair should be shaved no lower than a guard level 2;
Extreme and shaved patterned hair (e.g., tags) are not allowed in school;
Extreme hair colourings (e.g., red, green, blue, pink, orange and so on) are not permitted;
No nail varnish, false nails or tattoos (temporary or permanent) permitted;
No jewellery to be worn in school (an exception is earring studs)
No Smartwatches (including Apple)
Parents will be reminded of our uniform expectations if children are sent to our school not conforming to the policy above. If this is persistent, or extreme (for example, pupils with coloured or tagged hair), children will be sent home for parents to make the necessary adjustments. We are always here if you need any support with purchasing uniforms or if you would just like to speak to someone about the help we can offer in school.
We appreciate your support for following our policy and for sharing our high expectations for all pupils.
Date: November 2024
Review: November 2026